Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Sound and the Fury

Many of the residents here have difficulty communicating. There is a sweet old man (I think) who likes to hold my hand and give me high fives but no matter what I do I cannot understand a word he says. I cannot imagine the frustration of trying to talk and having it come out garbled or not at all. Some people here are really patient about speaking with the residents, but others just pretend to listen then nod and carry on with whatever they were doing. I can communicate. I can make my voice heard. I can speak for myself. I can have a mini temper fit like I did this afternoon (long story) and be understood. When someone who cannot speak clearly works so hard and cannot be heard, can not speak for themselves, can not be understood I can only imagine the frustration.The least we can do is try our best to hear them, to give them a voice, and to understand when they get upset over you not understanding them. I pray that i never lose the ability to communicate, but if I do I pray that someone will take the time to hear my voice.

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